Power of Tarot

My philosophy in regards Tarot reading is that it serves as an important signpost in spiritual understanding – not only that, but is also the map and the compass in that same journey. It provides us with a mechanism by which the profound complexity of the Universe can be experienced as it arises in our own awareness.

Knowledge is power. By consulting with a divine tool like the tarot, you are looking at your options, karma, fate and things currently unknown to you. By shining a light on them you are gaining knowledge about your situation and life, and have empowered yourself through your consultation. You now have the power to make a fully informed decision about which direction you should take. Even when life is coming hard and there seems no place to hide, you can still shine a light in dark corners and find that one piece of information, that one ray of hope, the missing piece of the jigsaw that can help you turn the corner to liberation.

Life is about choices, cause and effect, and whether or not you are living the effect of your own doing or someone elses, consulting the tarot gives you the power to make a difference. It may only be a small one, but it may be enough. You can’t always change direction, you can’t always stop something coming to you, but you can shine the light and see it coming – you can arm yourself with enough knowledge to minimize the effect – that is true empowerment. Tarot gives you knowledge, of yourself, of your situation. It’s not always pleasant reading but it always has the power to be life-changing. My philosophy of tarot is simple: it’s your life empower it. Empower it through knowledge and right choices. Empower it through consulting the tarot.