We all are living a hectic and stressful life to make ends meet or live a good lifestyle in this material world !!
There are times when we don’t know where to look..
At such times we must trust the higher bodies with full faith who are running this universe so that we can live happily !!
To connect with any God or Goddesses just follow the steps,
1: Keep some aroma oil,essential oil,incense sticks or camphor ready on altar or any sacred space,do not burn,just keep it.
2:Sit in lotus position or on chair,whiçhever way u are comfortable.
3:Close ur eyes,put ur hands on knees like inverted cups open to sky.
4:Just concentrate on breathing,normal breath,watch it for 5 mins.
5:Now in your mind affirm,”Dear God, the divine,the preserver and protector of all,connect with  me as I want cosmic help to take my life to next level and accept my gratitude !!!
Then chant Om for three times.
6:Say this affirmation 5 times with full faith in Divine.
7:After u have said this,with closed eyes observe, how higher bodies are getting connected with you,through some fragrance or some messages flashing at third eye,or some real presence ,whatever way,but u will feel a Divine graceful connection,a bond.
8:After this connection,open your eyes, think of any problem or area of incident from past u want to cleanse ,n burn essential oil or aroma oil on vapouriser few drops or incense sticks or camphor,say ” I am doing this to cleanse——(any issue).
9:Say Thanks to Divine Holy Energy..
10:Comeback with Sweet Smile.
This  is one of the ways to connect with higher cosmic energies !!!
Astrologer/Tarot Card Reader
Dr Neeta Bheda
Whatsaap- +919820083836