Author: Dr. Nita Bheda



What is a prayer?Prayer doesn’t just happen when we kneel or put our hands together and focus and expect things from God. Thinking positive and wishing good for others is a prayer. When you hug a friend. That’s a prayer. When you cook something to nourish family and friends. That’s a prayer….



THE REAL THING is to LEARN ACCEPTANCE. And if you accept the valley then the valley is also very mysterious and beautiful. It has its own splendor. EVEN ANGUISH HAS ITS OWN BEAUTY IF YOU ACCEPT IT, even sadness has its own depth. Not only laughter is beautiful; sadness has its own…



GRATITUDE Gratitude is like looking at the world through the eyes of your soul and seeing the goodness in everything.So when we do pranayam we inhale the goodness of Universe which helps us to cleanse internally and we exhale all our stress, tiredness, and unnecessary thoughts we are holding.  Benefits of pranayama….



FORGIVENESS Over the past few years, people have been making a lot of noise about forgiveness.So what exactly is forgiveness and what is it not? Forgiveness is… Forgiveness is not… A useful acronym for Forgiveness is Everett Worthington’s REACH: Recall the hurt, Empathize with the person who hurt you, offer an Altruistic…



In the beginning there is no big difference between the coward and the courageous person. Both have fear.The difference is, the coward listens to his fears and follows them.The courageous person puts them aside and goes ahead.The fears are there, he knows them, but the courageous person goes into the unknown in…



A rain drop from the sky: if it is caught by clean hands, is pure enough for drinking.If it falls in the gutter, its value drops so much that it can’t be used even for washing your feet.If it falls on a hot surface, it will evaporate…If it falls on a lotus…


Parchament Paper

Whenever you write a letter to the universe  or your spritual team or write affirmations or wishes and burn them as a symbolic act of letting go and letting the universe work on it use parchment paper it makes the process more potent this is an acient tried and tested pratice Parchament…



Affirmation for increasing money. I attract money. Money loves me and comes to me easily and in abundance. Affirmation for increasing love: I attract love into my life. I deserve a loving and wonderful person in my life.Affirmation for good health:I am completely healthy in body, mind, and spirit. I bless my…


Nine step blueprint to raise our conciousness

Nine-step blueprint to raise our consciousness Navratri is the core principle of teachings in the Shakti tradition. It is a reminder to every practitioner to rise from lower to higher consciousness. Before proceeding further, let us have some clarity on the glossary. Bhaga is purity. Agni is considered the symbol of purity…


Ready for a fresh start?

Ready for a fresh start?

Ready for a fresh start? By Fine Tuning The New Moon in Gemini is here to unlock your greatness and attract abundance. Dive into the magical inner Zero-Point energy. Choose from a list of introspective questions for deep doubts and desires. Pray Chant Meditate Dr Neeta Bheda9820083836/9820083736