Every once in a while there comes a moment in our lives which manages to leave a deep imprint on our mind, heart and soul. The life positive expo 2016 was one such moment in my life. Up until the 20th of March I was undecided whether I should just leave everything as it is in my life and go for the expo or not, the former being the choice made, I was glad I could make it.

It was a flow of energy and forces which cannot be given any tangible meaning but just experienced.

Many things discussed and spoken about I have heard or read before even sometimes discovered during endless hours of meditation. The affirmation of the same gives me more confidence in myself specially when I am finding myself in a mystical transition time in my life wanting to follow a spiritual path. And hoping to make my own contribution in healing some part of this world and its people. It will and can only be a collective effort, hence when powerful forces unite, when their destinies match, such conclaves come about. Some of the topics discussed opened new ideas within me, asking me to try new chains of thought, something that I was perhaps destined to do by visiting this expo.

Maa Anandas energy, Mr Rajiv Mehrotras passion for His Holiness The Dalai Lama and ShObna Narayana’s classical ballets on spiritual stories was wonderful !

The session that moved me the most was the discussion between Maulana Wahiduddin Khan and Dr. Karan Singh, both spoke with immeasurable intelligence and humility at the same time. I was taken aback by the fact that even at the age of 90 Maulana Wahiduddin still has the energy and the power to promote world peace at the very least.

Meeting like minded people as always is a real treat and i am glad that i was able to make new friends who will along with me continue on this path of learning and sharing with others what we learn for the benefit of all the living beings of this planet so that someday our collective conciousness rises and we have the ability to break free from the clutches of the cycles of rebirth to attain samadhi or moksha !