Wellness as Whole
Health Tips
By Fine Tuning
Wellness is not a lifestyle where we buy expensive foods and pop pills.
It is more to do with living a well balanced holistic life.
Our Body Mind and Heart should work in union with our Soul’s connect with the Universe.
That means, Gratitude, Prayers, Forgiveness, Compassion and Rightfulnes should be integrated part of our life.
We should have Pure and Right Intentions ,and Positive Thoughts.
The type of Food we eat should Support our Holistic life-Satvik Food.
Sleeping sound for 6-7 hours is must..
Having faith in higher energies is necessary, So we pray.
To keep our mind balanced we Chant
To keep in union with our Soul and Universe we meditate.
Today We focus on Physical fitness more, as our body is our partner till the end.
To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.
-Healthy diet exercise and good sleep is the only way to keep ourselves physically fit..
-Most of us eat well but miss out on our exercise that leads to not enough deep sleep.
That means We have not rested enough to do our duties again.
-We feel tired easily.
In this state of mind we don’t want to do much work.
-When we don’t sleep well for few days or months, our health suffers..
-There no stamina over the period of time.
-This also leads to bad moods and temperament swings.. which in turn leads to unpleasant circumstances as it’s difficult to explain to others what you feel and why..
-You think your doing house work, but unfortunately that’s not enough exercise.
Because house work your doing for your family and exercise you shall do only for yourself..
You will love your own self.
Feel good about it.
Understand this difference.
-Some form of exercise is a must..
-Exercise can be in simple ways.
It could be walking, half an hour workout at home in these days of lock down, yoga,Virtual workouts are very popular these days or steps..
-We can start with breathing exercises or pranayama that help oxigenate every cell of our body.
Sounds simple but very powerful.
5-7 min pranayama of any kind- Could babe simple deep breathing exhaling slowly, Anulom Vilom, Kapabhati or Nadi Shodhan if one knows..
It’s like fueling your engine for your drive.
-Exercise creates a magical effect in our body by burning unwanted fat and regulating blood circulation..
-Exercising excretes a chemical called Endorfin,an happiness dose and we experience a feel good factor and joyous sometimes when we beat our own records..
-Exercising improves our heart condition as heart starts pumping more when we exercise.
-Exercise improves our blood circulation and eliminateschances of falling sick.
-Exercise Improves our respiratory system and expands our breathing capacity.
-Exercise improves our immunity system as our body is stronger now and we are focused on eating right.
-Exercise improves our confidence.
-Exercise improves our self esteem levels.
-Exercise improves our stamina, we can work longer hours.
-Exercise is anti ageing.
It makes us feel light, nice, young and beautiful.
-There’s no doubt all this improves our relationships.
Exercising Sets good example for our children..
-It leads to good health in total as we end sleeping soundly..
-Out mental state depend a lot on our physical good health.
-When Physical and Mental health are balanced our emotional health is automatically balanced to a great extent.
For Emotional good health we have to have pure and clean intentions.
No conflict life. Stay away from toxins.
Have faith in Devine and your seeding.
As we reap only and only what we sow.
In case sometimes you feel disturbed start chanting any mantra you want.
It will silence your mind.
When we wake up we must do a Gratitude prayer and before sleeping a Forgiveness prayer
Daily Thank Universe for hundreds of things we took for granted,
the sunshine,
the oxygen,
the good food,
the rain,
the nature,
the beauty of our surroundings,
the Seasons..
The list is endless..
By living a holistic lifestyle,we look forward to our duties and goals with energy, love in our hearts and faith in universe.
Our journey to heavenly abode is fulfilling !!!
Dr Neeta Bheda
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