*Are you going through challenges and difficulties in life which seems insurmountable?
Read this.*

Dear all…

Challenges, difficulties, problems are a part of human experience. Nobody can escape it, whoever it may be.

Your patience, faith, everything will be tested but you can’t succumb to them.

There are many who go through much more pain, hardships, and challenges.

When you feel you can’t handle the difficulties and challenges, just pray for more strength and surrender to divine Will.

You have no idea why you are going through what you are going through but know that whatever happens, happens for best although you may not be able to see how ? when it is happening.

Never succumb under pressure. Human life is too precious to be given up.

Always ask for greater strength & wisdom and surrender knowing that whatever happens, there is Divine Will and
He is too loving to Punish,
Too wise to make mistake

Just do your Dharma as you see in the moment and leave the fruits thereof to Divine.

Best Antidote for overcoming your pain and suffering is to help people who are in greater pain and suffering.

This will give you more strength and make you realise that inspite of all your problems and challenges, you are still blessed and fortunate.

This thought and Realisation will bring Peace and Joy to you.

Don’t expect this world to give you Peace & Joy.

Realise your own Divine Nature which is Bliss and Peace itself.

Live and interact to Express your Peace and Bliss.

This world was not created so you can be happy. This world came out of Joy and Love of Divine.

Anybody who expects this world to give them happiness are living in a fools paradise.

This universe is for you to Realise your True Nature and then to Express your Joy and Love without any expectations.

Be the model of Unconditional Love and Undiminishing Bliss which is your True Nature.

Live this Understanding and spread this Understanding through your Being.

Your Higher Self/Divine